Causes & Effects of Body Stress in the Mid & Upper Back

Understanding the Causes of Body Stress

Body stress in the mid and upper back often results from mechanical, emotional, or chemical factors. Mechanically, it can be caused by working in a hunched or twisted posture, such as bending over a sewing machine or doing woodwork, lifting heavy objects, or holding items for long periods. Emotional tension, including anxiety, shock, or stress, can create tension in the mid-back, often felt as the “butterflies in the stomach” sensation. Chemical factors, such as consuming spicy, acidic, or very cold foods, may also contribute, especially if stress in the lower back refers tension into the chest and upper back.

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Effects and Practical Solutions

Body stress in this region can manifest as mild aches or itching between the shoulder blades or severe stabbing pain in the chest or upper back, often aggravated by deep breathing. Stress in the diaphragm may result in symptoms like indigestion, heartburn, breathlessness, or even a constant feeling of hunger.

Additionally, nerve supply to internal organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, and bladder may be disrupted, impairing their normal function. To minimize stress, avoid prolonged hunched postures and take breaks to change positions. When lifting heavy objects, hold them close to the body and seek assistance. Lastly, reduce foods and drinks that trigger indigestion or bloating to alleviate pressure in the diaphragm area.