Body Stress Release and Pregnancy

The Importance of a Stress-Free Lower Back During Pregnancy

Body stress in the lower back can have far-reaching effects on reproductive health, including irregular ovulation, menstrual cramps, heavy periods, and even infertility. During pregnancy, stress in the lower back may cause tension in the ligaments that connect the uterus to the sacrum, potentially leading to discomfort or complications such as leg pain (sciatica). Keeping the lower back free of body stress is crucial for maintaining the body’s natural efficiency and ensuring a smoother pregnancy experience.

Real-Life Cases of Pregnancy and BSR

Relief During Pregnancy: A 32-year-old woman in her second pregnancy experienced hip and leg pain, fearing the “pinched nerve” pain she suffered during her first pregnancy. After several BSR sessions and monthly maintenance, she remained pain-free until delivery.
Case Study 1
Postpartum Recovery: A 35-year-old mother of four suffered from lower back pain and constant diarrhea after her latest birth. Following three BSR sessions, her nighttime diarrhea stopped, and over six months of regular care, her symptoms fully resolved.
Case Study 2
Support for Fertility: A 24-year-old woman struggling to conceive for two years became pregnant after three months of regular BSR sessions.
Case Study 3