Body Stress Release for Babies and Children

Causes of Body Stress in Babies and Children

In Babies

In Small Children

In Older Children

When and How BSR Can Help

Assessing and addressing body stress early can prevent long-term effects. In babies, common signs include constant crying with no apparent cause, difficulty suckling, colic, or crying during nappy changes due to lower back tension. In children, signs may include complaints of sore legs or “funny tummy feelings,” refusal to walk, bed-wetting, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating at school. Recognizing these indicators early allows for timely intervention to support healthy growth and development.

Real-Life Cases

A two day old baby could not suckle, as her tongue kept flicking to the corner of her mouth. After body stress was released in the neck she began suckling normally.
Case Study 1
A mother reported her 12-week-old baby cried constantly and screamed when moved. After stress was released in his neck, he peacefully slept for 10 hours and became calm and content.
Case Study 2
A five-month-old baby suspected of having cerebral palsy showed initial symptoms of stiffness and unfocused gaze. After two sessions of BSR, he relaxed, began to focus on his mother, and six months later, his development was reported as normal.
Case Study 3