Client Testimonials

I have had an Intense shouder/neck pain for 8 months. I’ve been to my neuro, my GP, I’ve been for Eastern Healing, in the form of needling and cupping, I’ve been for physio. BSR was my last resort, and after my session with my practitioner, everything she said about my body and stress made so much sense. The next morning I woke up and I was pain free.
Case 1
A 48-year-old man with severe calf pain found relief after four BSR sessions. Although the pain initially moved to his lower back, subsequent releases resulted in complete recovery within two weeks.
Case 2
A client arrived for her maintenance BSR session this week, using a walking stick as she was experiencing debilitating pain in her right knee. Image my delight when she walked out afterwards holding the stick in her hand as it was no longer necessary
Case 3
I have experienced severe menstrual cramps for the past 18 years. This time of the month would be very difficult for me as I would be dragging my feet and at times, not being able to get out of bed. Medication was the only thing that helped, however it was a temporary relief. My life has changed tremendously after receiving Body Stress Release. The cramps have stopped after three sessions of BSR and menstruation is now a walk in the park for me! I don’t have to take any medication and I can go about my daily business.
Case 4
As a Mom – I cannot believe the transformation in my son – Gabriel – since he completed his 3 sessions with you! Gabriel seems to be so much more at ease with himself – happy, more confident and much calmer. He is sleeping better and is much more energised – he even gets up before me in the mornings – makes his bed and has his breakfast without any nagging from me at all!!
Case 5
Before Body Stress Release (BSR), I had pain in my neck, shoulders, and legs, and I struggled to sleep. This made it hard to focus in class and stressed me out about exams. My mom took me to a BSR Practitioner. After my sessions, I felt relaxed, energized, and could concentrate better in class. My pain disappeared, and I studied hard for my exams. Now, I feel happy, energetic, and sleep well without nightmares. Overall, I feel much better! My mother shared positive feedback from my teacher after my sessions.
Case 6